Leader of My Life
Ground, Balance, Focus:
Clear Your Life, Find Your Authentic Way And Fulfill Your Dreams
In a reality of constant challenges, uncertainty and change
Duration: 10 Weeks

Hi, How Are You Feeling These Days?
Have communication, motivation, sleep, finance, relationships
become more challenging recently?
Do you experience stress, worries, loneliness, stuckness, isolation, uncertainty
more often?
A lot has been brought up to the surface during these days of unusual times.
You may feel the need to figure out, make decisions, change, align.
To make yourself more resilient, grounded, authentic and balanced
for the new reality and days to come.
You may feel the need to get rid of the old and shed the unnecessary,
to become more you, connected and united with who you know you really are,
to shift and transform into the life you really want to live
Many of us have met emptiness, restlessness, loneliness.
In a world of problem solving and achievements,
feeling a lack of control,
reduced self confidence,
and even some lose of identity, purpose, who I am,
was sometimes almost inevitable, when we are so used
to be active, efficient, useful - and for that appreciated and rewarded.
You may be surprised, or happy, to hear
that these feelings can only take you closer to being fully liberated.
free from outer expectations and influences,
to do what you really want.
That they invite you to base your self esteem and fulfillment ​
on your true self and true values,
on your being, your existence -
exceptional and remarkable just because you are.
And all these 'how to's', 'where to's', 'what to's',
that are going around in your head,
Maybe from time to time fears, worries, uncertainties, confusion or overwhelming.
While you know that what you really need now,
is clarity, focus, certainty and space.
It's time to bring in clarity, order, calmness and focus
reveal patterns, dissolve blockages
and put the reins of your life
back in your hands
If you feel that now is your right time to:
> Focus on and solve the issues that bother you the most now
> Find the hidden unconscious mechanisms that control your behavior and reality
> Dissolve old patterns and get ready for your next stage of life
> Release stress and struggle and uncover your own best practices to deal with challenges and changes
> Strengthen your confidence and inner peace
> Connect with your superpowers and with your gifted skillful self
> Start to attract what you really want into your life
> Gain more understanding about your journey and destiny
> Get to know and understand yourself in depth
Then step into your powers
Leader of My Life
Leader of my life is a deep internal guided journey,
designed exclusively for this extraordinary times.
To facilitate your reconnection with your confident, peaceful, energetic self,
and open your way into a new satisfying, fulfilling future.
This is a profound self-work,
asking for your full engagement, honesty, surrender and openness.
What are we going to do together?
Focusing on the issues that bother you the most right now,
we will pave your way into your unconscious mind,
to turn on the light, uncover, take care of and resolve
the hidden root causes of your struggling and blockages.
And reveal and unchain your unique powers, gifts, talents, and abilities.
You'll get to know yourself in ways you have never known before,
discover your own best practices to manifest and grow,
understand your life journey and your destiny,
and learn how to attract what you want into your life, fulfill your potential
and live the life you really want - to its fullest.
How is it going to look like?
This is a personal journey, unfolding itself along the way,
We will meet in-person or online to talk, imagine, explore, play and discover,
using a variety of cognitive and creative methods
to spread out and map the hidden complexes of the mind
that hold you back from doing what you really want.
Through an attentive unraveling and release,
we will make space for new healthy supportive and encouraging
perceptions and thoughts.
We will uncover your powerful talents and gifts,
create new understanding and relationships with your integrating self,
and weave the next steps
toward balanced, deep-motivated, focused and joyful actualization.
Your own best long-lasting kit of tools,
to help you to stay aligned and keep evolving and growing through your everyday life,
will be developed as well.
What are we going to go through?
Our main milestones are the following concepts,
whose exploration will help us to decipher the clues, clarify the messages
and proceed toward your lightness, contentment and freedom:
Successful relationships
Projection ~ Mirroring ~ Beliefs ~ Expectations ~ Patterns and mechanisms ~ Conditioning ~ Love ~ Compassion
Reliable center
Peace of mind ~ Breath ~ Focus on your job ~ Totality ~ Nothing outside ~ Stay centered ~ Drop drama ~ Quiet witness ~ Here and now ~ Awakening and awareness ~ Being
Survival ~ Amygdala ~ Trauma ~ Ego ~ Protection control and appearance ~ Scarcity ~ Self narrative ~ Anger ~ Blame ~ Inner child
Struggle & challenge
Comfort zone ~ Fear ~ Guilt ~ Worry ~ Stress ~ Anxiety ~ Duality ~ Smooth flowing ~ Free movement
Inner compass
Inner freedom ~ Choice ~ Heart ~ Intuition ~ Emotions
The journey of the soul ~ Karma ~ Injury ~ Repeated patterns ~ Healing ~ Destiny
Freedom ~ consciousness ~ Reality creation ~ Attraction ~ Confidence ~ Gratitude and appreciation ~ Trust ~ Faith ~ Effortless and enjoyable
Speak up your voice
Self Worth ~ Comparison ~ True self ~ Gifts ~ Potential fulfillment ~ Self Assurance ~ Wholeness ~ Universal support
How often should we meet?
You will get the most out of this work if you allow 1-2 weekly sessions of 130min each.
If a different frequency works better for you, we will just go with your availability.
How do I know if this program is right for me?
You are tired of struggling, suffering and finding yourself at the same starting point again and again
You are ready for a meaningful shift and open to explore new perspectives of your reality
You want to enjoy a meaningful, fulfilling life, starting as soon as possible
You are willing and available to commit to a process
You understand that if you want to see different results, you first must change something in the way things are done
You understand that if you don't take the steps now, things will repeat, or get worsen, while you have less and less energy to deal with them
You understand that the darkness must be acknowledged and resolved in order for new dawn to rise, and light, lightness and freedom to shine
You are ready to be the divine masterpiece you were meant to be and to master your own life
7 Tremendous bonuses are waiting to help you to step into your powers:
Bonus #1:
The Journey of the Soul - 130min Foundations session ($320 Value)
Understand the big picture
to easily connect the dots and accelerate self integration.
Bonus #2:
Birth Date Tarot Reading ($320 Value)
Discover what you are based on
and how to best use your abilities to master your life and fulfill your destiny
Bonus #3:
3 months FREE membership at The Phoenix Rising Community (Reg. $47 monthly)
Surround yourself with inspiration, empowerment, practical tools, support and like minded company in a renewing warm and safe online space.
Bonus #4:
Extra 20% discount on any additional single session during the program
Enjoy it even more!
Bonus #5:
10% discount on your next program or reading
Keep discovering yourself, healing and growing taking more wonderful journeys
* Valid for 3 months from the completion of this program
** Not including this program - See Price Lock-In Guarantee below
Bonus #6:
FREE admission to the online bi-weekly Masterclass + Q&A sessions (Reg. $20 per session)
Deepen your understanding and practice of inner freedom and reality creation
and meet new like-minded seekers
Bonus #7:
Heal Your Reality Whatsapp group ($150 Value)
Get inspired, supported, connected and empowered
and receive a daily message from the cards
Are you ready to shed old patterns, fears, blockages?
Are you ready to renew, step into your powers
and become the leader of your life?
It's possible. Let's make it happen
Price lock-in Guarantee
Keep your sign-up price as long as renewals continue without lapses,
while enjoying all new and updated applications and materials.
Leader of My Life Program
10 weeks, up to 14 full 130min sessions
Any updated and new published materials
Price lock-in Guarantee
The Journey of the Soul - Foundations session
Birth Date Tarot Reading
3 months FREE membership at The Phoenix Rising Community
Extra 20% discount on additional single sessions
10% discount on the next program
FREE admission to the online bi-weekly Masterclass + Q&A sessions
Heal Your Reality Whatsapp group
Make This Year Your Pivotal Year
Limited spots - Reserve yours now
10 Weeks
Up to 14 full 130min sessions (Reg.: $4480)
7 Bonuses ($991 and up value)
Price lock-in Guarantee
$2310 only
Take it easy: Up to 6 equal monthly payments
Ready for your first step into your new reality?
Start by booking your Welcome Session -
a full revelatory work session of 100min with me
Welcome Session Special Price: $160 (reg. $260)
If you decide to continue together into Leader of My Life
this session can be extended and included in the program
Already had your Welcome Session?
Book your first Leader of My Life session -
'Subsequent Session 130min'
Do you have any questions? Need more information?
I'm here for you, just
Terms and conditions
Program is effective from the date of payment or of the first session - whichever is earlier
Program will expire on the completion of 10 weeks or 14 sessions (Not including Bonus Sessions)
One hold, one time only, for up to 7 days
Money back guarantee:
1. Prior to the first session: Full refund
2. After the first or the second session: full refund less the cost (single session reg. fee) of the taken session/s.
No refund or adjustment will be made after the third session
No auto renewal
Non transferable
Welcome Session: Payment for this session will be done at the end of the session. If you decide to join the program, the paid amount will be deducted from the program's fee. This offer is valid for a week from your Welcome Session.