Spread the Light
Give Others the Gift of Healing - and Enjoy Free Sessions!
A fabulous win-win-win referral program

You win! Enjoy 20% discount on any single session for each actualized referral
The Referred person wins! 20% discount on the first appointment
The world wins! More love and gratitude energy
The easiest way to win-win-win:
Refer someone you feel will benefit from working with me. Let them know they will also enjoy 20% off their first appointment!
After Their first appointment with me, your own 20% off is activated. You can use it immediately, or accumulate discounts - for every 5 actualized referrals you get a free session.
Enjoy your abundance, light and love rewards <3
Terms and conditions
Referring side (you):
Offer is good for one-time use only.
Offer can be combined with other offers or discounts.
A reward cannot be split.
Rewards can be accumulated, and redeemed together or separately.
Rewards are valid for one (1) year.
Referred side (your guest):
Offer is good for one-time use only.
Offer cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.
Offer will be applied to the price of the first full-priced booked service.
* Offer valid for single sessions. Not valid for packages.